The Road Starts Here - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon “The Road Starts Here”.


Day 1

Scripture: Matthew 6:33

In today’s world, prioritizing our spiritual lives can often feel like an uphill battle. Yet, as we delve deeper into the practice of seeking the Kingdom first, we realize that this is not merely a suggestion, but a command from Jesus. By actively placing God at the center of our lives, we begin to align our priorities with His will.

This alignment brings a sense of peace and fulfillment that cannot be found in worldly pursuits. As we explore this theme, let us reflect on what it truly means to seek first His Kingdom and how this can transform our daily actions and decisions.

  • What are the distractions in your life that prevent you from seeking God first?

  • In what ways can you intentionally prioritize your relationship with God starting today?

  • How can seeking God first impact your relationships with others?

  • Pray for clarity in your priorities and ask God to help you seek Him more diligently.

  • Spend a moment in silence, focusing on what seeking God looks like in your life.

Day 2

Scripture: Philippians 4:6-7

Worry and anxiety are common struggles, yet the scripture reminds us of the peace that surpasses understanding when we bring our concerns to God in prayer. In our devotion today, we will explore how prayer is not only a way to communicate with God but also a means through which we experience His peace.

By entrusting our worries to Him, we create space for His tranquility to fill our hearts, allowing us to face life's challenges with renewed strength and faith. What does it look like to fully surrender your anxieties to God?

  • What specific worries have you been holding onto that you need to release to God?

  • How can prayer change your perspective on those worries?

  • In what ways does experiencing God's peace affect your daily living?

  • Ask God to help you let go of your worries during your prayer time.

  • Reflect on moments in your life when God’s peace was evident and write them down.

Day 3

Scripture: John 15:5

The metaphor of the vine and branches is a powerful reminder of our need for connection with Jesus. In this devotion, we'll unpack the significance of staying connected to Him as the source of our strength and purpose. This connection not only sustains us but also enables us to bear fruit in our lives.

When we understand that apart from Him we can do nothing, we begin to prioritize our time in His presence. Let us explore how we can cultivate this vital relationship and recognize the fruits that come from our connection with Him.

  • How do you stay connected to God in your daily routine?

  • What does bearing fruit look like in your life?

  • In what areas do you feel disconnected from Him?

  • Pray for a deeper connection with Jesus and ask Him to reveal areas where you need to rely on Him.

  • Consider taking time each day this week to intentionally abide in His presence.

Day 4

Scripture: Romans 12:2

In a world that often pressures us to conform, Paul’s exhortation to be transformed by the renewal of our minds invites us to embrace a different way of living. This devotion focuses on the importance of allowing God to reshape our thoughts and perspectives, aligning them more closely with His truth.

As we open our hearts to His transformative work, we can discover how to live out our faith authentically and impactfully, revealing God’s love to those around us. Let's consider practical ways to renew our minds and reflect Christ in our daily interactions.

  • What old beliefs or thought patterns do you need to let go of?

  • How can you actively engage in renewing your mind each day?

  • What biblical truths can you meditate on this week to support your transformation?

  • Pray for God to help you identify and change negative thought patterns.

  • Spend a few moments reading scripture and asking God to reveal His truth to you.

Day 5

Scripture: James 1:22

Being doers of the Word and not merely hearers challenges us to put our faith into action. In today’s devotional, we will explore the significance of not just attending church or studying scripture, but actively living out what we learn. True faith is demonstrated through our actions and choices.

Let’s reflect on how we can incorporate what we’ve learned into our everyday lives and make a tangible impact on those around us. What steps can we take to translate our faith into action?

  • What actions is God calling you to take based on your understanding of His word?

  • How can you hold yourself accountable to live out your faith this week?

  • Who in your life could you serve or support as an act of faith?

  • Pray for courage to be a doer of the Word and for opportunities to serve others.

  • Consider journaling about ways you can take action based on your faith this week.

The Exodus Economy—Leaving Lack and Walking into Wealth - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon “The Exodus Economy—Leaving Lack and Walking into Wealth”. We will explore the themes of stepping into God's abundance, financial stewardship, and the importance of trusting God's provision in our daily lives.


Day 1

Joshua 1:9

The journey of faith often requires courage and strength. As we embark on our path to financial freedom and ownership, it is essential to remember that God is with us every step of the way. When Joshua was faced with the daunting task of leading the Israelites into Canaan, God encouraged him to be strong and courageous. Similarly, in our journey from lack to abundance, we must trust in God's promises and step boldly into the blessings He has prepared for us.

This devotional encourages us to reflect on our own fears and doubts. Are we willing to move beyond our comfort zones and embrace the life God has called us to? It’s time to stop wishing for better circumstances and to actively walk in faith, trusting that God will provide. Let's take a step together towards the destiny that God has in store for us.

  • What fears are holding you back from stepping into the abundance God has for you?

  • In what areas of your life do you need to show more courage and strength?

  • How can you actively participate in God's plan for your financial future?

  • Pray for the courage to move forward in faith without fear.

  • Ask God to reveal areas in your life where He is calling you to take action.

Day 2

Matthew 6:26

Today, we contemplate the profound truth that God cares for us deeply. Jesus reminds us of how God provides for the birds of the air, who do not store away for tomorrow yet are well-fed. This speaks to the essence of trusting in God's economy rather than our own understanding. We are often caught up in the trap of fear over financial insecurity, which can prevent us from enjoying the blessings God has readily available.

As we meditate on our reliance on God, let's examine our spending habits, our hearts towards money, and how we perceive provision. Are we hoarding the manna instead of participating in God's abundance? Let’s take today to reframe our thoughts about money and recognize it as a tool to advance God’s kingdom and our responsibilities towards others.

  • How does your trust in God's provision impact your financial decisions?

  • What steps can you take today to align your spending with God's purpose?

  • In what ways can you practice gratitude for the provisions you currently have?

  • Pray for a deeper understanding of God’s provision in your life.

  • Reflect on ways to express gratitude for what you have while trusting God for your needs.

Day 3

2 Corinthians 9:6

The principle of sowing and reaping is foundational to understanding financial stewardship. In 2 Corinthians, Paul teaches us that generous giving leads to abundant blessings. This week, we reflect on how our actions impact not just our own financial situations but also the lives of those around us. As we learn to share and give, we cultivate a spirit of generosity that reflects God's heart toward His people.

Are we focused solely on our own needs, or are we extending a helping hand to others as God has instructed? Financial freedom is not just about accumulating wealth, but about being a blessing to others and contributing to the shared prosperity of our community. Let us challenge ourselves to give more freely and joyfully, trusting that God will replenish what we sow.

  • Are you holding back when it comes to generosity? Why or why not?

  • What opportunities do you have to bless someone else financially?

  • How can you cultivate a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity?

  • Ask God to teach you the joy of giving and sharing.

  • Pray about ways to involve your family in acts of generosity.

Day 4

Deuteronomy 8:18

As we reflect on our journey towards wealth and freedom, it’s important to remember where our blessing comes from. In Deuteronomy, Moses reminds the people that it is God who gives them the ability to produce wealth. Economic prosperity isn’t solely a result of hard work; it’s a partnership with God’s blessings. This truth frees us from the pressure of self-sufficiency and allows us to recognize our dependence on God.

This week, let us commit to pursuing our financial goals with a clear understanding that all we have is a result of God’s grace. Rather than simply seeking financial gain, we must also focus on honoring God with our resources and sharing our blessings with others. By keeping God at the center of our financial journey, we can fulfill His purpose in our lives.

  • How do you acknowledge God’s role in your financial success?

  • In what ways can you ensure that your wealth honors God?

  • What does it mean to you to be a steward of the resources God has given you?

  • Pray for the wisdom to manage your resources effectively.

  • Reflect on ways to worship God with your finances.

Day 5

Proverbs 21:5

As we conclude our devotional, it is essential to understand that a disciplined approach is crucial for financial success. Proverbs teaches us that the plans of the diligent lead to profit, while haste leads to poverty. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to chase after quick fixes rather than laying a strong foundation for prosperity. Diligent planning and faithful execution of our goals will yield the fruits of our labor.

Our devotion this week calls us to be intentional with our time, resources, and relationships. As we look towards the future, let us establish solid plans built on biblical principles and wise counsel. The path to Canaan, just like the path to financial freedom, requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to take the necessary steps. With God leading us, we can turn our dreams into reality.

  • Are you making financial plans based on biblical principles? What does that look like?

  • How can you create a more diligent approach to your financial goals?

  • What does commitment to your plans mean for you moving forward?

  • Pray for focus and discipline in pursuing your financial goals.

  • Reflect on areas in your life where you can improve your planning.

5 Day Devotional - From Struggle to Surplus

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will explore themes of abundance, faith, and God's provision as illustrated through the story of the widow and Elisha. Each day will focus on a key scripture and provide reflections to help you move from a mindset of scarcity to one of surplus.

Day 1

2 Kings 4:1-7 In the story of the widow and Elisha, we witness a powerful transition from struggle to surplus. The widow, faced with insurmountable debt and the threat of losing her sons, approached the prophet in desperation. Elisha’s question, “What do you have in your house?” invites us to reflect on what we consider insignificant. Even a small jar of oil can be a catalyst for God’s miraculous provision. This passage reminds us that God is not limited by our perceived lack. When we offer our "small" resources to God, we open the door for His abundant blessings. In moments of need, we must not focus on our limitations but instead recognize that God can transform our little into much. Embrace gratitude for what you have, and watch how God multiplies it in your life.

  • What “small” resources do I have that I can offer to God?

  • How can I shift my mindset from scarcity to abundance in my daily life?

  • In what areas of my life do I need to trust God for provision?

  • Pray for the courage to acknowledge your needs before God.

  • Reflect on how God has provided for you in the past.

Day 2

Philippians 4:19 Paul reminds us that our God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. This promise is a firm foundation for our faith, especially when we feel overwhelmed by life's challenges. It assures us that God sees our needs and is more than capable of meeting them. Often, we limit ourselves by focusing on the scarcity around us, forgetting the wealth of resources that God holds. We are called to reject the rhetoric of ruin that tells us we will never have enough. Instead, let us cling to the truth that God is our provider. Our posture should be one of trust and willingness to step forward in faith, believing that as we align our actions with God's will, we will experience His provision in ways we never anticipated.

  • What needs in my life do I need to lay before God today?

  • How can I actively look for God's provision in unexpected places?

  • What does it mean for me to live as someone who trusts in God's abundance?

  • Ask God to open your eyes to His provision in your life.

  • Pray for strength to reject despair and embrace hope.

Day 3

John 10:10 In John 10:10, Jesus declares that He came so that we may have life and have it abundantly. This abundance is not just about material wealth; it speaks to wholeness in every aspect of our lives—spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Understanding this helps us shift our perspective from merely surviving to truly thriving. The challenge lies in recognizing that abundant life is available to us today, right here and now. It requires a conscious decision to reject the narrative that equates suffering with spirituality. Instead, let's embrace the truth of God’s desire for us to experience life overflowing with vitality and grace. Seek to cultivate that abundance by nurturing your relationship with Christ and living joyfully in His truth.

  • In what areas of my life do I feel like I'm just surviving?

  • How can I intentionally cultivate abundance in my daily routine?

  • What steps can I take towards living a more fulfilled life?

  • Thank God for the gift of life and ask Him to show you how to live it fully.

  • Pray for guidance on how to begin transforming areas of scarcity in your life.

Day 4

Proverbs 13:22 The wisdom in Proverbs reminds us of the importance of inheritance and financial planning. Leaving a legacy for the next generation is a critical aspect of moving from struggle to surplus. It involves not only financial resources but also values, wisdom, and lessons learned along our journey. As we consider our own “inheritance,” we should reflect on what kind of legacy we wish to leave behind. Let us take the necessary steps today to ensure that those who come after us are equipped to thrive and succeed. This means teaching the next generation about financial literacy, wise stewardship, and the importance of community support.

  • What legacy do I want to leave for future generations?

  • Am I being intentional about teaching my values to those around me?

  • How can I contribute to breaking the cycle of scarcity in my community?

  • Pray for the wisdom to make sound financial decisions that will benefit future generations.

  • Reflect on your current legacy and what changes you may want to make.

Day 5

Malachi 3:10 Malachi speaks of bringing the whole tithe into the storehouse, reminding us of the principle of generosity and community support. Tithing is not just about giving; it’s about investing in the community and ensuring that everyone has their needs met. This principle fosters collective prosperity and encourages us to see beyond our individual circumstances. As you reflect on the importance of generosity, consider how your giving can impact your community. Abundance is not just for our benefit but for uplifting those around us. Let today be an opportunity to explore how you can make a difference in your surroundings through acts of kindness, support, and financial stewardship.

  • How do I view my resources in relation to the needs of my community?

  • What acts of generosity can I incorporate into my life this week?

  • In what ways can I better support those around me?

  • Ask God to help you cultivate a generous heart.

  • Pray for opportunities to bless others through your resources.

The Steward’s Mentality: Managing What Belongs to God - 5 day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Through these reflections, we aim to understand the principles of stewardship and how we can manage what belongs to God for His glory and our good.


Day 1

Matthew 25:14-30

As we embark on this devotional, the underlying theme of stewardship and financial management reveals itself through the story of the talents. In Matthew 25, we are reminded that everything we possess truly belongs to God. This foundational truth shifts our perspective on wealth and resources. Understanding that we are merely stewards helps us to approach our finances with a sense of responsibility and purpose, utilizing our gifts and resources not for selfish gain but for the advancement of God's kingdom.

This day calls us to reflect on how we are currently managing what God has entrusted to us. Are we, like the faithful servants, actively using and multiplying what we have received? Or have we allowed fear to dictate our actions, burying our talents in the ground? God desires us to think creatively about how we can use our resources to serve others and further His mission. As we navigate through this week, let’s commit ourselves to wise and faithful stewardship.

  • How have I used my gifts and resources in ways that honor God?

  • Am I currently allowing fear to prevent me from taking action with what God has entrusted to me?

  • What steps can I take this week to improve my financial stewardship?

  • Ask God for wisdom in managing what belongs to Him.

  • Pray for courage to take action with the talents you have received.

Day 2

Proverbs 21:5

Planning is crucial when it comes to stewarding our resources effectively. Proverbs 21:5 teaches us that “the plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” This verse underscores the importance of having a financial plan and being diligent in our efforts. We must recognize that financial freedom is not just about income; it is about how we wisely allocate our resources. God desires us to live in abundance, but this takes intentionality and effort on our part.

As we develop our financial plans, it's important to remember that this is a spiritual endeavor. God is interested not only in our financial wellbeing but also in our hearts. When we align our plans with His will, we can expect His blessings. Think about what your financial goals are and how you can best achieve them. Are you being honest with yourself about your spending habits and savings? Let this be a day of reflection on how you can plan to honor God through your stewardship.

  • What specific financial goals do I need to set to be a better steward?

  • How can I ensure that my spending aligns with my values and faith?

  • Am I seeking God's guidance in my financial planning?

  • Pray for clarity in your financial goals and plans.

  • Ask God to reveal any areas where you need to exercise greater diligence.

Day 3

Luke 14:28

This day emphasizes the importance of preparation and the act of counting the cost before embarking on any financial venture. In Luke 14:28, Jesus highlights that a wise builder will sit down to calculate whether they have enough resources to complete their project. This principle applies not only in construction but also in every aspect of our financial lives. Are we prepared for the responsibilities that our financial decisions entail?

Preparation goes hand in hand with stewardship. Today's reflection encourages us to assess our financial situation and anticipate future needs. Establishing a budget, saving for emergencies, and planning for long-term investments are proactive steps we can take. When we take the time to prepare, we demonstrate our commitment to being good stewards of what God has given us and show a readiness to use those resources for His glory.

  • What are the key areas where I need to prepare for future financial responsibilities?

  • How can I better assess my current financial status?

  • Am I treating my finances with the respect and seriousness they deserve?

  • Pray for wisdom in preparing for future financial responsibilities.

  • Ask for guidance in creating a strategic financial plan.

Day 4

Ecclesiastes 11:2

On our fourth day, we focus on the importance of diversifying our investments. Ecclesiastes 11:2 tells us to invest in multiple ventures, as we do not know what challenges may come. This principle highlights the significance of avoiding all our financial “eggs” in one basket and ensuring that we are creatively seeking options that will not only secure our resources but also allow them to grow. God calls us to be wise in our investments, trusting that each step we take is aligned with His plans.

As we reflect on this today, consider how you can diversify not just in financial terms but also in your efforts to serve God. Are you fostering a variety of talents and skills that contribute to the Kingdom? Are you investing not only your money but also your time and energy for God’s purpose? As you think of the resources you have, ponder how they can be multiplied for Kingdom investment, leading to a richer legacy for generations to come.

  • What areas of my life do I need to diversify to bear greater fruit for God's Kingdom?

  • How can I use my talents to serve others in a broader capacity?

  • Am I being creative in finding new ways to invest my resources?

  • Pray for innovative ideas on how to diversify your investments.

  • Ask how you can better use your talents for His purpose.

Day 5

Proverbs 13:11

As we conclude our devotional, we are reminded about the importance of accumulating wealth wisely over time. Proverbs 13:11 teaches us that wealth gained hastily will dwindle, while wealth gathered little by little will increase. This principle emphasizes patience and diligence in financial matters. In today's fast-paced world, it can be tempting to seek quick fixes and shortcuts, but true financial freedom comes from steadfast work and consistency in managing what God has given us.

As we wrap up, reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind. Will it be one of faithfulness and abundance, or will it be one marked by haste and regret? God is calling us to build wisely and generationally. Assess your financial habits, consider the long-term view, and commit to growing and multiplying God's blessings in your life and in those around you.

  • What steps will I take moving forward to build wealth wisely over time?

  • How is God calling me to change my financial habits?

  • What legacy do I desire to pass on to my children or loved ones?

  • Pray for patience and diligence in your financial endeavors.

  • Ask God how you can grow and share your blessings with others.

Trusting the god who provides - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon from Trusting the God Who Provides. It will explore the themes of faith, finances, and trusting God as our provider.


Day 1

Matthew 6:25-34

As we begin this devotional journey, we are invited to reflect on the ways we worry about our lives—specifically our needs for food, clothing, and security. The scripture encourages us to shift our focus from our lack to our Provider. Jesus assures us that our Heavenly Father knows what we need and will take care of us if we prioritize His Kingdom and righteousness. This is a radical invitation to trust in God rather than the systems of this world.

In a society that often promotes anxiety over abundance, we are reminded that true peace comes from trusting in God’s provision. By placing our faith in Him, we can release the grip that worry has over us and embrace a posture of hope and assurance. Reflect on ways you can consciously prioritize God in your daily life, allowing His provision to shape your understanding of abundance.

  • What are the specific worries that steal your peace?

  • How can you practice focusing on God’s provision and care in your life?

  • In what ways do you see faith overcoming fear in your financial situations?

  • Ask God to reveal areas where you might be struggling to trust Him.

  • Pray for the strength to seek His Kingdom first above all else.

Day 2

Philippians 4:19

Today, we reflect on the promise that God will meet all our needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. This is an invitation to remember that God's provision is not limited by our circumstances. Often, we find ourselves in situations where the numbers don't add up, but God specializes in providing beyond our expectations. Trusting His abundance leads us to experience His faithfulness in our lives.

When we align our desires with God’s purposes, we begin to see the truth of His provision manifest in unique and powerful ways. Consider how you can be more generous with what you have, allowing God to multiply the resources in your life. Our faith reflects in our willingness to share with others, recognizing that God’s economy is not about hoarding but about generosity and community.

  • What needs in your life are you currently worried about?

  • How does believing in God’s provision change the way you manage your resources?

  • In what instances have you experienced God providing unexpectedly?

  • Reflect on ways you can be a blessing to others with what you have.

  • Pray for a heart of generosity and trust in God’s provisions.

Day 3

Matthew 6:33

On this third day, we focus on the call to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This command is transformative, redirecting our priorities from self-centered pursuits to a life dedicated to God’s agenda. Seeking His Kingdom means placing our trust in Him, recognizing that our earthly concerns pale in comparison to the wealth of His grace and love. When we align our lives with His Kingdom, we declare that God still provides.

As we embrace this calling, we can release our anxieties about finances, security, and future uncertainties. God’s promise assures us that if we dedicate ourselves to His plans, He will add everything we need. Let’s be proactive in our pursuit of righteousness, ensuring that our choices reflect our commitment to God’s ways, ultimately leading us into a life overflowing with His blessings.

  • How does seeking God's Kingdom transform your perspective on daily needs?

  • What practical steps can you take to align your life with His righteousness?

  • In what ways do you experience God’s additions when you seek Him first?

  • Pray for clarity on how to put God’s Kingdom first in your life.

  • Ask Him to reveal areas where you can align your priorities with His ways.

Day 4

Luke 12:22-26

As we enter Day 4, we are reminded that worry cannot add a single hour to our lives. Jesus points out that if God cares for the birds and the flowers, how much more will He care for us? This scripture challenges us to confront the fears and worries that often hold us captive. By understanding that God’s provision is rooted in His love, we can confront our fears with faith.

Reflecting on God’s past faithfulness builds a foundation for our future. We realize that worry is essentially a lack of trust in God’s ability to provide. Today, let us meditate on the extravagant care that God gives His creation, allowing that truth to empower us to overcome our fears and anxieties about the future, knowing that He is always sufficient.

  • What specific fears are you holding onto today?

  • How can you remind yourself of God’s past provision and care?

  • What steps can you take to let go of worry and embrace trust?

  • Pray for the ability to release your worries into God’s hands.

  • Ask for a fresh perspective on His care and provision in your life.

Day 5

2 Corinthians 9:8

As we conclude our five-day devotional, we are met with the powerful truth that God is able to bless us abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that we need, we will abound in every good work. This is the culmination of our journey—understanding how God’s abundance is intricately tied to our willingness to be vessels of His generosity in the world.

Embracing this truth can ignite a passion for serving others, for God uses our resources to fulfill His purposes. We are called not only to receive His blessings but to share them freely, underlining the importance of a grateful heart and a generous spirit. As we move forward, let us commit to being conduits of His provision for others, reflecting His love and generosity in every interaction.

  • How can you use your blessings to serve and uplift others?

  • What does an abundant life look like for you, in the context of service?

  • In what ways has God challenged you to live generously?

  • Pray for a heart that desires to give and serve abundantly.

  • Ask God for opportunities to share His blessings with others this week.

I am the good shepard - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon, “I Am the Good Shepard”. We will explore the profound teachings of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and how these lessons can be applied to our daily lives.

Day 1

John 10:11

As we begin our journey through this devotional, we focus on Jesus' declaration that He is the Good Shepherd. This title not only encapsulates His protective nature but also His willingness to lay down His life for us. In a world where we often look for security in relationships and possessions, Jesus offers us a profound assurance that goes beyond earthly guarantees. He is reliable, unfailing, and intimately aware of our needs.

This day, reflect on what it means for you to have a Shepherd who knows you personally and loves you unconditionally. How can this understanding transform the way you view your challenges and uncertainties? Make it your intention to seek His voice amid the clamor of life, trusting in His guidance to lead you through difficult times.

  • What aspects of your life do you struggle to trust Jesus with?

  • Can you identify times when you have experienced His protection?

  • How can you become more attuned to hearing the voice of your Shepherd?

  • Lord, help me to trust You more fully as my Good Shepherd.

  • Show me areas in my life where I need to seek Your guidance.

Day 2

John 10:12-13

Day two draws us deeper into the significance of Jesus’ role as the Good Shepherd versus the hired hand. Unlike a hired hand who may abandon the sheep in times of danger, Jesus demonstrates unwavering commitment and love. His relational investment in us goes beyond mere duty; it's born out of a deep desire to protect and nurture us. This insight challenges us to think about the commitments we make in our lives and whether they mirror the selfless love of Christ.

Reflect on the people in your life who demonstrate a shepherd-like care and support. How can you cultivate that same commitment in your relationships? We are called not only to receive this care but also to offer it to others, becoming instruments of His love in the lives of those around us.

  • Who has been a Good Shepherd in your life and how did they support you?

  • In what ways can you reflect that commitment to others?

  • How do you respond to times when you feel abandoned?

  • Pray for guidance to become a better servant to those around you.

  • Ask for patience and understanding in moments of difficulty.

Day 3

Psalm 23

On this third day, we turn to Psalm 23, where we find comforting imagery of the Lord as our Shepherd. When we trust in His guiding hand, we find that He leads us to green pastures and still waters, nurturing our souls. This represents not only physical sustenance but spiritual nourishment as well. In moments of restlessness, we can cling to the truth that we have a Shepherd who cares and provides for every need.

Let today be a reminder to nourish your soul with His Word. What pastures is He inviting you to explore? Are there fears or anxieties that you need to bring before Him so that He can restore your peace? Embrace the assurance that follows trusting in His guidance, and be open to the restoration He offers.

  • In what ways do you seek nourishment for your spiritual journey?

  • How can you cultivate deeper peace within yourself?

  • What do you feel God is calling you to lay down at His feet today?

  • Thank God for the peace He provides in the midst of chaos.

  • Pray for opportunities to share His peace with someone else.

Day 4

John 10:14-15

As we arrive at day four, we reflect on the intimacy of the relationship between the Good Shepherd and His sheep. Jesus emphasizes that He knows His sheep and they know Him, which speaks to the deep connection that we can share with our Savior. This relationship is foundational in overcoming the struggles we face in our lives, as we grow to trust Him deeply and rely on His familiar voice.

Consider how consistently you are engaging in a relationship with Jesus. Are there barriers keeping you from fully knowing Him? Ask yourself how you can foster a relationship that resembles that of a shepherd and his beloved flock. Embrace the notion that He wants you to know Him—not just as a figure of authority, but as a loving guide and friend.

  • How does knowing Jesus as your Good Shepherd change your perspective on life’s difficulties?

  • What steps can you take to deepen your relationship with Him?

  • Do you listen for His voice in your decision-making?

  • Ask God to open your heart to recognize His voice more clearly.

  • Pray for discernment in the decisions you face this week.

Day 5

Romans 6:23

On our final day, we celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus—how the Good Shepherd laid down His life for us. This sacrificial love is the cornerstone of our faith, as it secures our salvation and eternal relationship with God. Understanding the depth of His sacrifice invites us to live with a renewed perspective on grace and gratitude.

As you conclude this devotional journey, reflect on how the sacrifice of Jesus impacts your daily life. Are there areas where you can extend that same grace to others? Consider how His love transforms your interactions and relationships. May the reality of Jesus laying down His life encourage you to live boldly in faith, sharing His love with those around you.

  • How does the sacrifice of Jesus influence your understanding of love?

  • In what ways can you show gratitude for His sacrifice?

  • Where do you see opportunities to share His love with others?

  • Thank God for His ultimate sacrifice and the gift of salvation.

  • Pray for guidance in living out His love in your daily interactions.

I Am the true vine - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon “I Am the True Vine” from this weekend. Each day will explore key themes from the sermon, focusing on our relationship with Jesus as the true vine and what it means to abide in Him.


Day 1

John 15:1-8

As we reflect on the truth that Jesus is the true vine, we encounter the profound need for connection in our spiritual lives. The metaphor of the vine and branches illustrates that our source of strength and fruitfulness comes directly from our relationship with Christ. Without remaining connected to Him, we will find ourselves lacking in spiritual vitality and effectiveness. This day serves to remind us that God desires us to thrive and not merely exist.

To abide in the vine means to cultivate a deep and ongoing relationship with Jesus. It’s about more than just attending church or participating in activities; it necessitates a personal connection that nourishes our spirit. As we pursue Him daily, we uncover the divine strength that allows us to bear fruit — fruit that glorifies God and blesses others.

  • What does it mean for you to abide in Christ daily?

  • In what areas of your life do you feel disconnected from the vine?

  • How can you cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus this week?

  • Ask God to help you remain connected to Him.

  • Pray for insight into areas where you need to bear more fruit.

  • Reflect on the ways God has manifested in your life as you abide in Him.

Day 2

John 15:4-5

Abiding in Jesus is more than a casual relationship; it is a commitment to maintaining a close fellowship with Him. This second day focuses on the theme of remaining in Christ, emphasizing that without Him, we can do nothing. Christ’s call to abide is an invitation to intimacy, where the rhythm of the Christian life flows from our relationship with Him.

This commitment is like a branch drawing sustenance from the vine. When we position ourselves to pursue Him, His life flows through us, transforming our thoughts, actions, and desires to align with His will. As we deepen our commitment, we begin to see the natural overflow of spiritual fruit that impacts our lives and those around us.

  • What steps can you take to prioritize your relationship with Jesus?

  • Are there distractions preventing you from fully abiding in Him?

  • How does abiding in Christ enhance your spiritual journey?

  • Pray for determination to overcome distractions in your spiritual life.

  • Ask for clarity on how to deepen your faith walk.

  • Reflect on the joy of being connected to the true vine.

Day 3

John 15:6

In this devotional, we examine the consequences of disconnection from the vine. Jesus warns that a branch that does not remain in Him will be withered and lifeless. This serves as a stark reminder of our need for consistent connection to the source of life — our Savior. Our spiritual vitality hinges on our decision to abide in Jesus and draw from His strength.

As we reflect, we must ask ourselves the hard questions: Are we thriving in our faith, or have we allowed the cares of the world to pull us away? Recognizing our weaknesses can be the first step towards renewing our commitment to abide in Him, leading to a more fruitful life that honors God and blesses others.

  • How do you see the effects of disconnection in your spiritual life?

  • What practices can help you stay anchored in Christ?

  • Can you identify areas where you need God’s renewal?

  • Pray for strength to remain rooted in Jesus.

  • Seek God’s guidance to identify distractions in your life.

  • Ask for renewal and refreshment in your spirit.

Day 4

John 15:7-8

As we approach the fourth day, we explore the promises that come with abiding in Christ: answered prayers and the manifestation of God’s glory through our lives. Jesus assures us that when we remain connected to Him, our desires align with His heart, and the fruit we bear glorifies the Father. This day highlights the power of prayer and intimate relationship in the process of abiding.

When we align our will with God’s, we can ask confidently, knowing that our requests will be met. This doesn't mean our prayers will always be answered in the way we envision but assures us that God is working for our good as we stay close to Him. Let us embrace the security and joy of abiding, knowing our lives can reflect His glory.

  • What prayers have you brought before the Lord while seeking His will?

  • How has God revealed His glory in your life through answered prayers?

  • Are there areas of your life you're holding back from Him?

  • Reflect on recent prayers and how they align with God’s will.

  • Pray for insight into your desires and His purpose.

  • Ask for opportunities to glorify God through your daily life.

Day 5

John 15:9-11

In our final day, we encapsulate the heart of Jesus' message — His love for us. In the same way the Father loves the Son, the Son loves us, and He calls us to abide in that love. This is a transformative invitation, one that reassures us of our worth and purpose in Him. As we reflect on Jesus' words, we discover that remaining in His love enables us to live joyfully and obediently.

Abiding in Jesus's love is the foundation for fruitful living. When we are rooted in His love, our lives overflow with compassion, kindness, and service to others. Let us not forget that our time spent with Him cultivates the fruit we share with the world, allowing His love to shine through us and touching the lives of those around us.

  • How does understanding Jesus’ love for you change your perspective?

  • What does it mean to you to abide in His love?

  • How can you express that love to others this week?

  • Pray for a deeper comprehension of His love for you.

  • Seek ways to share His love with those around you.

  • Reflect on the joy that comes from abiding in Him.

In His Own Words PT. 2 - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Each day will explore the themes of sight, purpose, and reflection as inspired by the teachings of Jesus and the transformation of the blind man.


Day 1

John 9:1-7

In the first installment of our devotional, we reflect on the miraculous healing of the blind man and the profound statement Jesus makes about being the light of the world. The blind man represents not only physical blindness but also spiritual blindness that many of us experience. Jesus’ healing goes beyond just restoring sight; it symbolizes the grace and purpose God has for each individual. Just like the blind man received his sight through faith and obedience, we too can find clarity and direction in our lives by listening for God’s voice. As we embark on this journey together, consider how turning to Jesus can illuminate the dark places in our lives, leading us to a deeper understanding of our purpose and the truth of who we are in Him.

  • What dark areas in your life do you need God to light up?

  • How can you seek out the 'light' in your daily life?

  • In what ways can you share your newfound sight with others?

  • Pray for guidance in revealing areas of darkness in your life.

  • Reflect on how Jesus has brought light to your life and the lives of others.

Day 2

John 9:8-12

On the second day of our devotional, we delve into the reactions of those around the healed blind man. His experience of newfound sight brings about confusion and skepticism, prompting significant questions from the people. This illustrates that when God works in our lives, others may not always understand or accept our transformations. It’s vital to recognize that our personal testimony is powerful, and even when met with disbelief, sharing how God has worked in our lives can impact those around us. Like the blind man, we must learn to confidently express what we have experienced, regardless of others’ perceptions. Embrace your story and the light that Jesus has brought into your life.

  • How have others reacted to your faith journey or changes in your life?

  • What keeps you from sharing your testimony with confidence?

  • How can you prepare to share your experience with those who doubt?

  • Pray for courage to share your story.

  • Reflect on the importance of your testimony in a skeptical world.

Day 3

John 9:13-25

As we continue, we explore the tension between the healed man and the Pharisees as they question him about his healing on the Sabbath. This illustrates how religious rules can sometimes blind us to the work of God in our lives. Jesus challenges the societal norms, and this man's testimony stands as a light against opposition. The journey of faith often requires us to confront the norms and traditions that may hinder our relationship with Jesus. This day, we reflect on how our beliefs align with the teachings of Jesus and how we can rise above societal expectations, just as the man born blind did. -

  • What traditions or beliefs might be limiting your faith experience?

  • How can you better recognize God’s work in your life?

  • In what ways can you support others in breaking free from legalistic beliefs?

  • Pray for clarity in discerning God’s truth versus man-made rules.

  • Reflect on times you felt pressured to conform and how you responded.

Day 4

John 9:26-34

The fourth day centers on the blind man's unwavering confidence in his experience with Jesus, despite the pressure he faces from the religious authorities. This teaches us the importance of standing firm in our faith, even when challenged. His testimony is a reminder of the radical love and grace of Jesus, which is often at odds with the rigid interpretations of religion. We must be ready to proclaim our beliefs boldly, drawing strength from our relationship with Christ. As we experience our own spiritual awakenings, we can encourage others to see the light, just as the blind man did even in the face of opposition.

  • How can you strengthen your faith to withstand opposition?

  • What aspects of your belief require a bold declaration?

  • In what ways can you support others facing challenges for their faith?

  • Pray for resilience in the face of scrutiny.

  • Reflect on how you can be an encouragement to others in their faith journey.

Day 5

John 9:35-41

Our final day draws us to the culmination of the blind man's transformation. When he finally comes face to face with Jesus, he not only recognizes Him but also professes his faith. This moment marks a profound truth: recognizing Jesus as the light of the world truly transforms our identity and purpose. As we conclude our devotional, let us consider how we can go forth as reflections of Christ’s light. Our daily lives should testify to the changes wrought in us, inviting others into the same relationship of faith and sight. Remember, our testimonies can be the guiding light for those still searching in darkness.

  • In what ways have you seen Jesus transform your life?

  • How can you better reflect Christ’s light to others?

  • What steps will you take to share your faith with a broader audience?

  • Pray for God to use you as a vessel of His light.

  • Reflect on areas where you can step out in faith to share your story.

In His Own Words - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will explore the significance of Jesus as the Bread of Life, examining how He fulfills our spiritual hunger and invites us into a deeper relationship with Him.


Day 1

Core Scripture: John 6:35

In the first day of our devotional, we focus on the powerful declaration of Jesus: "I am the bread of life." This statement not only declares His divine identity but also establishes Him as the essential sustenance for our souls. Just as physical bread nourishes our bodies, Jesus offers Himself as the source of spiritual nourishment that satisfies our deepest longings. In a world so focused on temporary satisfaction, we are reminded that true fulfillment comes from a relationship with Him.

Today, reflect on the significance of Jesus being the Bread of Life. How often do you seek fulfillment in temporary things rather than in Christ? Allow this truth to reshape your perspective on what it means to be spiritually nourished and to live in continuous dependence on Jesus.

  • What areas of your life are you seeking fulfillment outside of Jesus?

  • How can you cultivate a deeper relationship with Christ as your source of nourishment?

  • In what ways can you share the Bread of Life with those around you?

  • Pray for a renewed hunger for Christ in your heart.

  • Ask God to reveal any areas of temporary satisfaction that may be distracting you from Him.

Day 2

Core Scripture: John 6:27

On the second day, we delve into the importance of prioritizing eternal nourishment over temporary fixes. Jesus warns the crowd not to labor for food that perishes, emphasizing that there's a more profound need beyond physical sustenance. This calling challenges us to redirect our efforts from seeking immediate satisfaction to pursuing what truly lasts—our relationship with Christ. Just as the Israelites were initially drawn to the manna for their hunger, we too can find ourselves craving the instant gratification of worldly desires.

As you meditate on this scripture, consider how your priorities reflect your spiritual hunger. Are you investing time and energy into things that will fade away, or are you seeking the eternal life Jesus offers? This day encourages us to examine what drives our pursuits and reminds us of the everlasting impact of focusing on God's Kingdom.

  • What are some temporary things you often chase after instead of the eternal?

  • How can you shift your focus to prioritize your spiritual nourishment?

  • What steps can you take to ensure your daily actions reflect your pursuit of Christ?

  • Pray for clarity to recognize distractions pulling you away from God.

  • Ask Jesus to help you focus on eternal nourishment and discern His will in your life.

Day 3

Core Scripture: John 6:51

As we reach Day 3, we reflect on the depth of Jesus’s identity as the true bread from heaven. This statement not only highlights His divinity but also presents an invitation to partake in a life-giving relationship with Him. Just as bread is an essential staple, so is Jesus integral to our spiritual lives. This day reminds us that, beyond physical hunger, our spirits yearn for Him, the sustaining bread that nourishes both body and soul.

Engage with the reality that Jesus is the source of life. Are you actively participating in this relationship, or are you simply accepting Him as a background figure in your spiritual journey? This devotional encourages you to deepen your connection with Christ, understanding that He alone provides the lasting sustenance necessary to thrive in faith.

  • How often do you consciously seek a relationship with Jesus as your Bread of Life?

  • What practices can you adopt to nourish this relationship daily?

  • In what ways can you encourage others to seek Jesus for their spiritual needs?

  • Pray for a stronger desire to deepen your relationship with Jesus.

  • Meditate on the ways Jesus has provided for you spiritually in the past.

Day 4

Core Scripture: John 6:40

Day 4 encourages us to grasp the promise of eternal life through belief in Jesus. He states that God's will is for everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him to have everlasting life. This powerful declaration reassures us that the sustenance He provides is not solely for our present needs but also secures our future with Him. This assurance calls us to reaffirm our faith and find rest and hope in His promises.

Reflect on the eternal implications of your faith. Are you living in the light of this everlasting assurance? It’s a reminder that our relationship with Christ transcends earthly struggles and that we are secure in Him. Therefore, we are invited not only to trust in His provision but to also share this wonderful hope with others in our lives.

  • How does knowing you have eternal life in Christ impact your daily life?

  • What fears or doubts do you need to surrender to experience the fullness of His promise?

  • How can you share the assurance of eternal life with those in your community?

  • Pray for deeper faith in Christ's promises.

  • Reflect on ways you can be a witness of eternal life to others.

Day 5

Core Scripture: John 6:68

In our final day of reflection, we are confronted with the question that Jesus poses to His disciples, “Will you also go away?” This moment illustrates that following Him requires commitment; it’s not just for the blessings we receive, but for the heart-to-heart relationship we cultivate. Peter answers with a powerful declaration of faith, acknowledging that Jesus has the words of eternal life, positioning us to recognize the importance of our decision to follow Him wholeheartedly.

This call challenges each of us to reaffirm our commitment to Christ. In times of doubt or struggle, where do we turn for fulfillment? It's a reminder that Jesus alone holds the key to life and sustenance. Take this opportunity to evaluate your walk with Him and express your willingness to remain steadfast in your pursuit of His presence.

  • What commitment have you made to follow Jesus, and is it still strong?

  • Are you relying on Christ for sustenance in every aspect of your life?

  • How can you strengthen your resolve to remain faithful to Him?

  • Pray for any areas of doubt or distraction to be lifted.

  • Ask Jesus to give you the strength to fully commit to Him as the Bread of Life.


For the Communities' Sake - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional takes a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend.

Day 1

Philippians 4:13

In Philippians 4:13, we are reminded that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. This verse anchors our faith, encouraging us to trust in His power rather than our limitations. As we reflect on the message from the sermon, we are invited to recognize the boundless strength we possess through our relationship with Christ.

This day’s message encourages us to step boldly into challenges we face, trusting that Christ equips us with everything we need. No matter how daunting our situations may seem, we are not alone in our struggles. Embracing this truth can empower us to pursue our God-given purposes without fear or hesitation.

  • What challenges am I currently facing that I need to surrender to God?

  • How can I remind myself of Christ’s strength in moments of doubt?

  • In what areas of my life is God calling me to take bold steps forward?

  • Pray for clarity and bravery to face your challenges.

  • Reflect on past experiences where Christ's strength carried you through.

Day 2

Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 promises us that all things work together for the good of those who love God. This profound assurance encourages us to trust in God’s divine plan, even when we face trials and uncertainties. The sermon’s message delves into the importance of maintaining faith that every event in our lives contributes to a greater purpose.

Today’s devotional calls us to reflect on how our past experiences, even the painful ones, have shaped us for God’s glory. By recognizing the hand of God in our lives, we cultivate a sense of gratitude and trust that deepens our relationship with Him and inspires hope for the future.

  • How have past hardships led to growth in my life?

  • What good can I see emerging from a current struggle?

  • In what ways can I support others who might be struggling with their own challenges?

  • Pray for a heart of gratitude in the midst of trials.

  • Ask God for discernment to see His hand at work in your life.

Day 3

Jeremiah 29:11

Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God has plans for us — plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. This message for our day focuses on trusting in God’s timing and purpose for our lives. The sermon emphasizes that we should not be discouraged by our current circumstances because God is at work behind the scenes, orchestrating our lives for good.

As we meditate on this promise, we are encouraged to lean into God’s purposes rather than our own limited understanding. Each step we take in faith is a building block toward the future God has uniquely prepared for us. Today, let us open our hearts to envision a future filled with hope as we walk in His guidance.

  • What dreams has God placed in my heart that I need to pursue?

  • In what areas of my life do I struggle to trust God's plans?

  • How can I align my daily actions more closely with His purpose?

  • Pray for patience and faith in God's timing.

  • Reflect on the good things God has brought into your life.

Day 4

Psalms 37:4

Psalms 37:4 tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord, and He will give us the desires of our hearts. This day’s devotion focuses on the relationship aspect of our faith — finding joy in God and aligning our desires with His heart. The sermon encourages us to seek God above all else, allowing His will to shape our desires.

As we explore what it means to delight in the Lord, we learn to shift our focus from obtaining our desires to finding joy in a relationship with Him. This transformation leads to a more fulfilled life, as we cultivate passions that echo God's heart. Reflecting on today’s message invites us to assess our priorities and find true delight in His presence.

  • What does it mean to delight in the Lord?

  • How can I cultivate a deeper relationship with God?

  • Are my desires in line with God's will for my life?

  • Pray for a heart that seeks joy in God.

  • Ask for guidance in aligning your desires with His purposes.

Day 5

Ephesians 3:20

Ephesians 3:20 assures us that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. This final day invites us to reflect on the immeasurable power of God in our lives. Throughout the sermon, we hear about God's ability to exceed our expectations and do things beyond our wildest dreams.

As we conclude our devotional journey, let's remember to trust in God’s ability to work miracles in our circumstances. Our faith in His power opens the door for incredible possibilities. Let's reflect on how we can live expectantly as we move forward, believing that God has great things in store for us.

  • How can I open my heart to receive more from God?

  • In what areas of my life do I need to expect God's miracles?

  • What steps can I take to invite God into my dreams and aspirations?

  • Pray with anticipation for what God is going to do next in your life.

  • Reflect on the blessings and miracles already present in your life.

Choosing Forgiveness Over Revenge - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional reflects upon the sermon from this weekend. We will explore themes of forgiveness, peace, and the supernatural power we have through faith as we reflect on the teachings shared.


Day 1

1 Samuel 24:12-15

In our journey of faith, we often encounter moments that challenge our understanding of forgiveness. The core of David's story teaches us that forgiveness is a deliberate choice, rooted not in feelings but in faith. As David faced King Saul, who sought his life, he chose forgiveness over revenge, illustrating that our identity in Christ grants us strength to act differently than the world expects.

This passage encourages us to reflect on how forgiveness can transform our lives and relationships. It prompts us to consider what it means to see our adversaries through the eyes of grace rather than through the lens of hostility. In a society quick to retaliate, we are reminded that true power lies in restraint and the ability to let go of anger, trusting God to handle the justice.

  • Who in your life is difficult to forgive, and why?

  • In what ways can you lean on God's strength to help you forgive?

  • What does choosing forgiveness say about your faith in God's plan?

  • Pray for a heart that is willing to forgive and release past grievances.

  • Ask God to help you see those who have wronged you through His eyes.

Day 2

Romans 12:19

The call to forgive often requires us to confront our own desire for vengeance. In Romans, we are reminded that vengeance belongs to the Lord. This foundational truth can guide our actions, encouraging us to relinquish our need to retaliate. By choosing to forgive, we take a step back and allow God to operate in our situations, which can lead to miraculous outcomes we could not orchestrate ourselves.

  • What does it mean to you personally that God seeks to handle vengeance?

  • How can trusting in God's justice help you find peace in difficult relationships?

  • How might your life change if you actively pursue forgiveness instead of revenge?

  • Pray for the strength to release any desire for revenge in your heart.

  • Seek God's help in identifying those to whom you need to extend forgiveness.

Day 3

Matthew 5:38-39

Jesus teaches us about turning the other cheek, a radical and challenging concept that reshapes our understanding of power. This call to respond to aggression with grace is not just a passive action but an active step towards demonstrating Christ-like love. In doing so, we signify that our identity as Christians is rooted in peace, not conflict.

As we study this teaching, we reflect on the transformative nature of Jesus’ example. By following in His footsteps, we invite the supernatural into our lives, altering the way we engage with those around us. Choosing to respond with love in the face of hatred can break cycles of vengeance and lead to genuine reconciliation.

  • How do you usually respond when someone hurts you?

  • What might turning the other cheek look like in your current situations?

  • What challenges do you face in pursuing a peace-filled response?

  • Ask God to help you react to aggression with love and grace.

  • Pray for wisdom in handling relationships that test your peace.

Day 4

Colossians 3:13

We are encouraged to forgive others as the Lord forgave us. This dramatic assertion challenges us to acknowledge our own shortcomings and the grace we've received. The more we grasp the weight of our own sins, the lighter our burdens become when we choose to release others from theirs.

As we reflect on this teaching, we might discover our capacity to forgive grows when we remember that we too are flawed. Bringing this understanding into our hearts allows us to create space for healing — both for ourselves and those we forgive. Living in the freedom of forgiveness opens avenues of love that bring restoration and peace.

  • Can you think of a time when you chose to forgive and it brought you relief?

  • How does understanding your own need for forgiveness influence your relationships?

  • What are specific ways you can practice forgiveness daily?

  • Lift up those who you find difficult to forgive, asking God to soften your heart toward them.

  • Pray for eyes that see others through the lens of grace.

Day 5

Ephesians 4:32

As we conclude this devotional journey, we find ourselves called to be kind and compassionate, forgiving each other just as God forgave us. This echoes the need for a constant reminder that forgiveness is a journey, not a destination. Each act of forgiveness propels us further along our spiritual paths and toward deeper connections with God.

Moreover, choosing kindness and compassion in our interactions fosters a community reflecting Christ’s love. By embracing this call, we can pave the way for reconciliation and healing within ourselves and our communities. Through God's strength, we can embody His grace and mercy, inviting those around us to be transformed as well.

  • In what ways can you intentionally show kindness to others this week?

  • How does reflecting on God’s forgiveness toward you inspire your actions toward others?

  • What steps can you take to cultivate a more forgiving heart?

  • Pray for a heart overflowing with compassion for others.

  • Ask God to reveal ways you can actively extend kindness and forgiveness to those around you.

Forgiveness is Bigger Than Me - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. In the sermon, the pastor emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and how it's bigger than just us. Why do you think Joseph was able to forgive his brothers after everything they did to him?



Day 1

Genesis 45:1-15

The first step to understanding forgiveness is acknowledging the pain we carry from the past. Joseph demonstrates this vividly in his encounter with his brothers, who had betrayed him. Despite his immense suffering, Joseph ultimately chooses forgiveness. This choice highlights the core message of the sermon: forgiveness isn't just about releasing others from their wrongs; it's about freeing ourselves from the weight of bitterness and resentment.

As we embark on this journey of reflection, we are reminded that harboring grudges can fracture our relationships, and sometimes, the strongest act of love is to forgive those who have hurt us. Like Joseph, we must confront our past and decide to move forward, embracing the power to heal ourselves and restore connections.

  • What unresolved pain from your past do you need to confront to move forward in forgiveness?
  • How can Joseph's example of forgiveness inspire you in your own relationships?
  • What steps can you take to begin the healing process in your life?
  • Pray for the strength to forgive those who have wronged you.
  • Reflect on ways God has shown you forgiveness in your own life.

Day 2

Genesis 50:15-21

The theme of forgiveness continues as we examine how Joseph's understanding of God's providence shaped his ability to forgive. When Joseph’s brothers fear how he might respond to them after their father's death, Joseph reassures them of his intentions. He recognizes that God had a plan for his life through their actions, which meant that their betrayal served a greater purpose in the divine narrative.

In our own lives, it's easy to see the pain but difficult to grasp the purpose behind it. Reflecting on the providence of God reminds us that our struggles may not only be trials but also opportunities for growth. Embracing this perspective can help us release our fear and anger, allowing forgiveness to triumph over bitterness.

  • How can recognizing God’s hand in your life help you forgive those who have hurt you?
  • What moments in your life can you identify as part of God’s greater plan?
  • How can remembering your own experiences of forgiveness guide you today?
  • Pray for clarity on the purpose of your past experiences.
  • Ask God to help you see others through the lens of His grace.

Day 3

Matthew 6:14-15

As we delve deeper into forgiveness, we are reminded of Jesus’ teachings on the necessity of forgiving others. In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us that if we do not forgive others, our own forgiveness will be withheld. This profound truth urges us to examine the state of our hearts and our willingness to extend grace to those who have wronged us.

Remembering that forgiveness is not a one-time act but a continuous process can help us approach our relationships with compassion and patience. It is through forgiving others that we reflect the heart of God and experience true freedom in our own lives. Let this day be an opportunity for us to let go of the past and embrace the gift of renewed relationships.

  • Who do you need to extend forgiveness to in your life?
  • How does understanding Jesus’ sacrifice motivate you to forgive?
  • What barriers are currently preventing you from forgiving others?
  • Pray for the willingness to forgive those you hold grudges against.
  • Ask God for the strength to let go of past hurts.

Day 4

Romans 12:17-19

This devotional day brings us to the importance of taking a stance against vengeance. Paul reminds us in Romans that we should not repay evil for evil, but overcome evil with good. This reinforces the principle that forgiveness is not about allowing wrongdoing to go unaddressed; rather, it's about letting go of the desire for retribution and placing justice in God's hands.

Choosing to forgive in the face of betrayal is a powerful testament to our faith and reliance on God's justice. When we allow Him to handle our grievances, we can focus on healing and restoring broken relationships. As we meditate on this scripture, we can seek God's guidance in letting go of resentment and embracing His righteousness.

  • What challenges do you face when trying to let go of the desire for revenge?
  • How can trusting God’s justice help you find peace?
  • What good can you do in your current relationships to overcome evil?
  • Pray for the ability to seek peace instead of revenge.
  • Reflect on times when God has brought justice in your own life.

Day 5

Ephesians 4:31-32

As we conclude our devotional, the message of forgiveness culminates in Ephesians, where Paul encourages us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as Christ forgave us. This reminder captures the essence of our journey—true forgiveness reflects the grace we have received from Jesus.

When we fully grasp the weight of our own sin and the grace extended to us, our hearts are opened to extend that same grace to others. The act of forgiving not only benefits those we forgive but transforms our hearts as we learn to live out love and compassion. Let us embrace the call to forgive as we finish this devotional and step into our daily lives.

  • What steps can you take to embody kindness and compassion in your daily interactions?
  • How can remembering Christ’s forgiveness motivate you to forgive?
  • What shifts do you need to make in your mindset to fully embrace forgiveness?
  • Pray for a heart that mirrors the compassion of Christ.
  • Ask God to reveal any areas where you need to practice forgiveness.

Breaking the Chains of Bitterness - 5 Day Devotional

This five day devotional will be taking a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. We will explore themes of bitterness, healing, and the importance of forgiveness through the lens of scripture and personal reflection.


Day 1

1 Samuel 18:20-22

The story of McCall serves as a poignant reminder of how our past experiences can shape our present relationships. McCall, originally the beloved wife of David, faced a myriad of betrayals and losses that turned into bitterness. Her story invites us to reflect on the impact of unresolved pain in our lives. Many of us have faced situations where we felt rejected or overlooked, and it is important to recognize how these feelings can create a barrier to our joy and connection with others.

As we reflect on McCall's bitterness, let’s consider how it developed from her experiences of betrayal and loss. Her bitterness not only affected her own happiness but also strained her relationships, including with David. This day, let’s take time to examine our hearts and identify any bitterness we may be holding onto and seek God’s help in letting it go.

  • What experiences in my life have contributed to feelings of bitterness?
  • How do I recognize bitterness impacting my relationships with others?
  • What steps can I take to begin healing from past hurts?
  • Pray for the strength to confront and release any bitterness in your heart.
  • Reflect on ways God has forgiven you and how you can extend that forgiveness to others.

Day 2

Hebrews 12:15

Bitterness manifests in our lives as a natural reaction to painful experiences. In McCall's story, we see that she felt justified in her bitterness toward David for not acknowledging her as he returned in celebration. However, the writer of Hebrews warns us to watch out for the "root of bitterness" that can grow and cause trouble for many. This scripture challenges us to not only identify bitterness in our lives but also to take proactive steps to overcome it before it takes root.

Today, let us reflect on what it looks like to root out bitterness before it grows. Are there people in your life who you have yet to forgive? Are there situations that still cause you pain? This day is an invitation to examine those areas and surrender them to God, allowing healing to begin.

  • What are specific instances where I have allowed bitterness to take root?
  • How can I begin to actively choose forgiveness today?
  • Who in my life needs to hear my forgiveness or an apology?
  • Pray for insight into any hidden bitterness in your heart.
  • Ask God to help you forgive those who have hurt you.

Day 3

Ephesians 4:31-32

Today's scripture reminds us of the call to be kind and compassionate, forgiving one another as Christ forgave us. McCall's bitterness towards David may have felt justified, but it hindered her from fully experiencing the joy that came with the presence of God as it entered their city. Focusing on our grievances can often cloud our perception of others and prevent us from appreciating the good that surrounds us.

As we reflect on this day, let’s focus on the transformative power of kindness and forgiveness. By choosing to let go of past hurt and embracing the grace offered to us by Christ, we can break free from the chains of bitterness and cultivate more meaningful relationships with those around us.

  • In what ways can I practice kindness in situations where I feel hurt?
  • How does remembering Christ's sacrifice impact my ability to forgive?
  • Who in my life needs my kindness and forgiveness the most right now?
  • Pray for a heart of compassion toward those who have wronged you.
  • Ask God to help you remember the grace He has extended to you.

Day 4

Colossians 3:13

This scripture encourages us to forgive as the Lord forgave us. The essence of forgiveness lies in acknowledging that we have been forgiven much. McCall's experiences led her to harbor deep resentment, yet through God’s grace, we too can forge paths toward forgiveness. Reflect on moments when you may have refused to forgive someone and consider the consequences of withholding such grace from them and yourself.

As we delve deeper, remember that forgiveness is not about excusing someone’s behavior; it is about freeing yourself from the toxic weight of resentment. Today, take a step toward forgiveness, whether it’s through prayer, writing a letter, or having a conversation. Allow God’s healing to wash over your heart.

  • What grudges have I held for too long that need to be released?
  • How have I experienced God’s forgiveness in my own life?
  • What can I do to take a concrete step towards forgiveness today?
  • Pray for healing in relationships that feel broken or strained.
  • Ask God for the courage to forgive those who may not deserve it.

Day 5

Matthew 6:14-15

In closing this devotional series, it is vital to reflect on the gravity of forgiveness in our spiritual walk. Jesus clearly indicates that our willingness to forgive others impacts our own forgiveness. McCall’s bitterness prevented her from enjoying the blessings surrounding her, and we too can find ourselves stuck if we do not extend forgiveness. Forgiveness not only liberates the one who is forgiven but also the bearer of the bitterness.

As we conclude, let’s commit to moving forward in freedom, shedding the weight of our bitterness. By letting go, we not only heal ourselves but can also step into the fullness of life and relationships that God intends for us. Let today be a new beginning of grace and freedom in our lives.

  • How can I let go of past hurts to embrace the life God has for me?
  • What steps can I take to foster an attitude of forgiveness moving forward?
  • How can I remind myself of God’s mercy in times of struggle with forgiveness?
  • Pray for strength to forgive those who have hurt you deeply.
  • Reflect on the ways God has forgiven you and how you can share that with others.

5 Day Devotional - The Weight of Our Wounds

This five day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. Through reflection and prayer, we will explore the theme of forgiveness and the steps we can take to overcome the weight of our wounds.

Day 1

Colossians 3:12-15

As we begin this journey of understanding forgiveness, it’s crucial to recognize the weight of our wounds. In Colossians, Paul encourages us to put on compassion, kindness, humility, and patience. These qualities are essential as we navigate through our relationships and the conflicts that arise. Forgiveness is not merely a single act but a continuous process that requires a heartfelt commitment to let go of grudges and embrace healing.

Understanding that wounds can be emotional or relational helps us to see the necessity of acknowledging the pain we experience. This day invites us to confront the hurts we carry, through honesty with ourselves and God. As we commit to this practice, we will discover the peace that comes from forgiveness and the power it holds to free our spirits from the burdens we bear.

  • What wounds have I been carrying that need acknowledgment?
  • In what ways have I struggled to forgive others?
  • How can I begin to clothe myself in compassion today?
  • Ask God to help you identify specific wounds that need healing.
  • Pray for the strength to forgive those who have hurt you.

Day 2

Matthew 6:14-15

This devotional focuses on the challenge of forgiveness. In Matthew, Jesus teaches us that our willingness to forgive others is directly linked to our own forgiveness. This profound truth reminds us that forgiveness is not merely a suggestion but a command that Jesus expects from us as His followers. It invites us to reflect on the ways we have received grace and to extend that same grace toward others.

Forgiveness can be difficult, especially when the pain is fresh. However, as we adopt a posture of compassion, we begin to view our offenders through a lens of empathy rather than resentment. This day encourages us to confront our feelings and actively choose to let go of our anger, understanding that forgiveness frees us to live fully in God’s love.

  • How can I better understand the grace that I have received from God?
  • Who do I need to forgive today, and what steps can I take?
  • What does it mean for me to bear with others as Paul describes?
  • Pray for a compassionate heart toward those who have wronged you.
  • Ask God to help you reflect on your need for forgiveness.

Day 3

Ephesians 4:32

As we dive deeper into the topic of forgiveness, we look at Ephesians where Paul urges us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave us. This message emphasizes that forgiveness originates from understanding the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice for our sake. By recognizing the depth of our own need for forgiveness, we become empowered to forgive others as an act of love.

This message calls us to align with Christ’s example, showing that forgiveness is not about fairness but grace. It’s about releasing ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment, ensuring that we no longer allow others' actions to dictate our peace. We are reminded that in forgiving, we not only free others but ourselves, allowing for real healing to take place.

  • What is one way I can show kindness to someone who has hurt me?
  • In what areas of my life do I need to extend forgiveness?
  • How has God’s forgiveness impacted my view of forgiveness?
  • Pray for the ability to release bitterness and embrace love.
  • Ask God to show you areas in your life where you need to forgive.

Day 4

Mark 11:25

The focus of today’s devotional is the necessity of accepting the challenge to forgive. In Mark, Jesus teaches us the importance of forgiving anyone we hold something against, and this acts as a precursor to our prayers being heard. Forgiveness is not just a one-time act; it’s a commitment to a pathway of grace that often requires continuous effort. Each encounter with pain or offense calls us to reevaluate our hearts and align them with God's will.

This day encourages us to confront the idea that forgiving is not about forgetting but about choosing to not allow past offenses to govern our relationships. We must strive to bear one another's burdens, understanding that forgiveness can be transformative for both parties involved. Embracing this challenge paves the way to deeper spiritual growth and liberation from the weight of resentment.

  • What challenges do I face when trying to forgive?
  • How can I create a habit of practicing forgiveness daily?
  • In what ways can I seek support in my forgiveness journey?
  • Pray for the strength to forgive consistently, even when it’s hard.
  • Ask God to guide you through the process of forgiving others.

Day 5

Romans 5:8

As we conclude this five-day devotional, we reflect on how love binds our understanding of forgiveness together. Romans tells us of God’s incredible love demonstrated through Christ dying for us while we were still sinners. This amazing truth serves as a reminder that our ability to forgive is rooted not in the worthiness of the offender, but in our relationship with Christ and His boundless grace.

Today, we are called to apply love in all of our interactions, understanding that it is through love that we can truly begin to heal and forgive. Love shifts our perspective from one of bitterness to one of hope and restoration. When we embrace love, we can let go of the past and step into a future filled with the freedom that comes from forgiveness.

  • How can I show love to those who have hurt me?
  • What does it mean for me to express love in my forgiveness?
  • In what ways can I seek reconciliation with those I’ve hurt?
  • Pray for the ability to love as God loves us.
  • Ask for guidance in your journey toward forgiveness and healing.


Forgiveness Starts at Church -    5 Day Devotional

This five-day devotional will take a deeper dive into the sermon from this weekend. It will guide you through the themes of forgiveness, healing, and the importance of letting go of past grievances, allowing you to reflect and grow in your spiritual journey.


Day 1

Acts 15:36-41 Forgiveness can often feel like an unreachable ideal, especially when we’ve been deeply hurt. However, as we explore the story of Paul and Barnabas, we see that even strong leaders struggle with the concept. The contention between them over John Mark serves as a powerful reminder of how unresolved hurt can lead to painful separations, even among those on the same mission. It teaches us that grudges can blind us to the value of relationships and prevent us from recognizing the potential for growth in ourselves and others. Let us reflect on how our unwillingness to forgive not only harms our spirit but can also disrupt vital connections in our lives. Just as Paul needed Barnabas, we all need people who can support us, love us, and help us navigate our journeys. It’s essential to ask ourselves what we might be allowing to come between us and those we care about. Are we holding onto grudges at the cost of deeper relationships?
  • What grudges am I holding onto that might be damaging my connections with others?
  • How can I take the first step toward forgiveness in my life?
  • What does it mean for me to forgive someone who has wronged me?
  • Pray for clarity in understanding the impact of unforgiveness in your life.
  • Ask God to help you take steps toward forgiving those who have hurt you.

Day 2

Luke 17:3-4 In today's reading, we see Jesus addressing the reality of being offended and the imperative of forgiveness. He elevates the bar when he speaks of forgiving repeatedly, even when the same offense occurs multiple times in one day. Jesus illustrates that forgiveness isn’t just a one-time act; it’s an ongoing journey that requires intentionality and grace. When we foster a mindset of forgiveness, we open the door for healing not only for ourselves but also for those around us. This challenge asks us to reevaluate our approach to relationships and confront the bitterness that can thrive within us if we allow grudges to take root. Understanding that offenses will come, and that forgiveness is our response, positions us to live more freely and joyously. Thus, it is essential to reflect on how we can cultivate an atmosphere of grace that offers others the same forgiveness we have received.
  • How do I usually react when I feel offended?
  • What does it mean to truly forgive someone from my heart?
  • How can I create a culture of forgiveness in my relationships?
  • Pray for strength to forgive even when it feels difficult.
  • Ask God to help you see others through a lens of grace.

Day 3

Ephesians 4:31-32 Paul reminds us in Ephesians of the necessity of forgiveness within the Christian community. He exhorts us to be kind and compassionate, to forgive as we have been forgiven in Christ. This connection between our own forgiveness and our ability to forgive others is crucial—it emphasizes the grace we have received and the expectation that we act accordingly. As we reflect on this passage, we must consider the ways in which resentment can harden our hearts and diminish our ability to love. Understanding that God has extended His unmerited grace toward us should inspire us to mirror that grace in our dealings with others. It is an opportunity to break the cycle of bitterness and embrace a lifestyle characterized by kindness and compassion. We can choose to let go of grievances and instead yield to the peace that forgiveness brings, creating healthier dynamics in our lives and communities.
  • In what ways have I felt the grace of God in my life?
  • How might my unforgiving attitude be affecting my relationships?
  • What steps can I take to cultivate a heart of compassion toward others?
  • Pray for the ability to forgive those who have hurt you.
  • Ask God to fill your heart with compassion and grace for yourself and others.

Day 4

Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus emphasizes the importance of forgiveness in Matthew when He declares that our forgiveness from God is directly linked to our willingness to forgive others. This principle can seem daunting; it forces us to take a hard look at our hearts and our attitudes toward those who have hurt us. It challenges us to let go of the desire for revenge or retribution. Reflecting on this passage encourages us to realize that forgiveness is not saying that what was done was okay, but rather it is releasing the hold that offense has over our hearts. We can be free from the weight of grudges and the bitterness that often shadows our lives when we choose to forgive. As we engage with this truth, we can embrace the freedom that comes from letting go and taking hold of the grace that God freely gives.
  • What does this scripture reveal about my need for forgiveness?
  • Who in my life am I struggling to forgive, and why?
  • What steps can I take to work toward forgiveness in my heart?
  • Pray for healing from past hurts that make forgiveness difficult.
  • Ask God to tender your heart towards those you struggle to forgive.

Day 5

2 Timothy 4:11 In Paul's later years, he provides insight into the outcome of forgiveness and reconciliation. His words about John Mark highlight the transformative power of restored relationships over time. This reflects that while some relationships may seem permanently fractured, our understanding and attitudes can evolve, revealing opportunities for renewal and collaboration. As we conclude our devotional series, let us embrace the truth that healing can indeed occur over time. While reconciliation may not always be possible, as evidenced by Paul and Barnabas, we can still find ways to celebrate the growth of those we once held at a distance. Our hearts can remain open, while keeping constructive boundaries, allowing us to move forward without carrying the heavy burden of unforgiveness.
  • How has my heart changed towards someone who previously hurt me?
  • In what ways do I see restoration as a possible outcome for some relationships in my life?
  • What have I learned through this season about forgiveness and healing?
  • Pray for wisdom on how to establish healthy boundaries moving forward.
  • Ask God to help you celebrate the growth and potential for restoration in your relationships.