Group Leader Guide

Sermon Recap 🎬

Pastor reflects on the theme of grief, emphasizing the individuality of each person's experience and the necessity of acknowledging ongoing pain rather than rushing to "bounce back." He highlights that grief is a natural expression of love and that it can coexist with healing over time, where one can still cherish memories while feeling sadness. By referencing scriptures, Pastor reassures listeners that it’s okay to say "I ain't over it yet," and encourages them to lean on their faith in the Savior who understands their grief. Ultimately, he reminds the congregation that while they may not have all the answers about grief, they can find comfort in knowing they have a compassionate Savior who walks with them through their sorrow.

Ice Breaker 🧊

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Discussion Questions πŸ’¬

What does it mean when Pastor says, 'we don't just bounce back' from grief? How does this idea challenge what we often hear about getting over loss?  
  • Pastor discusses how grief is not just a feeling we can overcome easily and that loss changes our life in a significant way.
  • Can you think of a time when you experienced a loss? How did you navigate those feelings, and what helped you in that process?
In the sermon, Pastor mentions Psalm 35, saying, 'Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.' How does this reflect the process of grieving?  
  • This verse highlights the temporary nature of pain and the hope for joy to return, even after we experience sadness.
  • How can remembering this verse help you or someone you know who is going through a tough time?
Pastor talks about how grief is a normal process that everyone experiences differently. Why do you think it's important to understand that everyone grieves in their own way?  
  • He emphasizes that it's okay to not be okay and that comparisons of grief can be unhelpful.
  • Have you ever felt pressured to respond to grief in a certain way? How can you support someone who is grieving in a way that respects their feelings?
Pastor stresses the importance of being honest about our feelings in times of grief. Why do you think it's hard for people to express their true emotions?  
  • He suggests that society often encourages us to 'move on' quickly, which can make it difficult to openly share our struggles.
  • What steps can you take to create a safe space for yourself and others to express their feelings honestly?
Pastor concludes by reminding us that while we may not have all the answers, we have a Savior who understands our pain. How does this belief impact how you deal with grief in your life?   
  • The sermon emphasizes that having faith can be a source of comfort during painful times of loss.
  • How might your beliefs provide you strength during challenging times, and how can you share that support with others?

Prayer πŸ™

• Ask for prayer requests and share them with the group. • Pray for strength to process grief uniquely, understanding it's okay to not be okay. • Seek God’s guidance in comforting those who are struggling with loss. • Ask for the ability to lean on the Savior during difficult moments of mourning.

Rewatch the sermon πŸ“Ό