Mission Statement:
The mission of Stars for Christ Children’s Ministry is to see children come to know Christ while being nurtured physically, mentally and spiritually, so that they will become well- rounded disciples for Christ; serving the world as well as displaying God’s love and light through their daily walk.
Core Values/Goals:
We will implement the KNOW, GROW, GO philosophy.
KNOW God, love and honor Him.
GROW to be more Christlike, understand discipleship and explore ministry GO serve the world, share the love of Christ while shinning for Him
Proverbs 22:6 gives us instructions to show children the way they should go so that when they are older, they will remain true to those ways. This will be accomplished by:
Providing STAR kids with a structured, age-appropriate curriculum (both paper-based and digitally)
Developing a child-centered environment
Providing an opportunity for children to connect with each other and cultivate
Discovering innovative ways to learn God’s word
Helping children to discover gifts and talents they can contribute to ministry
Encouraging outreach and service
Fostering great relationships with leaders and children
Promoting parental involvement and connection throughout the learning process
Sign up for KidCheck!
Star Yth is the youth ministry at the Morning Star Baptist Church in Shreveport. Star Yth is designed to help middle school and high school students grow in their faith, build relationships and influence the culture.
There is a wide range of diversity within the music department. Adults, youth and children minister to the congregation through songs.
The music department consists of the Mass Choir, Brotherhood Chorus, Young Adult Praise Team, Youth Choir and the Morning Stars Children's Choir. Morning Star also has several musicians who play a variety of instruments.
Special musical programs are scheduled throughout the year.
The Mass Choir ministers to the congregation on first and third Sundays during the 11 a.m. service with an array of songs. The Brotherhood Chorus ministers at the 8 a.m. service and on the fifth Sunday. The second Sunday is youth Sunday. The children's choir ministers to the congregation on the fourth Sunday.
The Ushers at Morning Star Baptist Church are men, women, boys, and girls who are convinced of the importance of being servants.
You’ll find us to be friendly, helpful, and eager to help in any way possible. Our Ushers, Door Greeters, and Nurse’s Guild Ministries will seek to make you feel welcomed and appreciated.
Our mission is to: make members and guests feel comfortable, to help grant spiritual dignity to the entire worship service, and to assist the Pastor and promote a high level of worship for guests by being prompt, courteous, tactful, and observant at all times.
Serving -Helping- Assisting- Responding- Protecting
Serving -Helping- Assisting- Responding- Protecting
The Gatekeeper’s ministry provides a vital service to those who choose to worship at Morning Star Baptist Church. We represent to the public that we are “The church with the people at heart.” We provide safe access to our facilities and help ensure our parking areas are secure. We keep a watchful eye out for potential safety hazards and threats to the security of our members and guests.
Morning Star Baptist Church is growing. Special services and events are a constant as we become more involved in the community. Unfortunately, the ministry is not keeping pace with that growth. The vision of the ministry was to have at least 36 men to volunteer on a rotating schedule.
More volunteers are needed. We can work around your schedule. All it takes is for you to decide I will help when available. Sunday mornings is not the only day you have an opportunity to be a part of this ministry.
A Gatekeeper is someone who cares about the safety and security of God’s people. Enjoys being helpful and friendly. The Gatekeeper is like the mailman willing to endure the elements for the church.
We have an awesome team. They are constantly thinking about how to better serve you. This group of young men is truly dedicated to serving and are to be applauded.
Your help is needed in making our goal a reality. With your commitment you can help take the strain off the few men who have already chosen to make Morning Star a better place to worship. We ask that you come join us in making a difference.
Service Is Our Mission – Helping Others Is Our Goal – Assisting When Needed – Responding When Necessary – Providing Support To Our Church
Let Today - Be The Day - You Become Sharp
The Media Ministry is a service ministry that possesses the unique capability of connecting people to the gospel beyond the walls of the church - to “teach all nations” as is the charge in the Great Commission. We use state of the art audio and video technology which is as easy as using a smartphone. Our goal is to enhance, refine and deliver our worship presentation to those in attendance, sick, shut-in, people at work, people traveling and people who may be experiencing worship for the first time.
The people of this ministry operate and maintain our audio systems and all other equipment associated with the production. We are regular folks who love taking pictures, creating graphics and mixing music. We enjoy serving the Lord by being the link between our Morning Star worship and the rest of the world. If you are into electronics or the arts, this would be a natural fit for you.
Persons who serve should have some computer knowledge, but we are always willing to train volunteers and enjoy meeting and working with people. Those who choose to serve in this ministry can find great fulfillment in being part of a team who loves the Lord, has a committed spirit and flexibility of time to carry out the many duties of the ministry.
We are a ministry that supports the communication needs of the church by loving God, loving others and serving the world through technology.
If interested in this ministry, text VIDEO to (318) 269-7402
The Deacons' Ministry seeks to follow the biblical example established by the early disciples as Spirit-filled men, chosen and set aside to be servant partners with the Pastor. Deacons assist the Pastor in all areas of ministry, service, support, and leadership to the family of God, with particular emphasis on communion preparation, baptism, receiving new members and providing ministry to the needy of our church. The Deacon Ministry consists of men who are appointed by the church or the pastor. Member services done through the Deacons' Ministry include: Benevolent Committee, Hospitality Committee, and Deacons Pastoral Care Committee. Deacons must be active in a ministry, attend a teaching ministry and be a regular financial supporter of the church.
Saturday, September 26 - Joe Aillet Stadium
The vision and purpose of our small group ministries is the same as the overarching vision of the church, "To make disciples by loving God, loving others, and serving the world." This is a reflection of Luke 10:27 which declares, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and all your mind and your neighbor as yourself"!
To minister to the specific needs of all members of the congregation.
To teach congregants the importance of service to others.
To guide congregants in developing the proper spirit and attitude for serving.
Prison Ministry
Women's Council
Young Adult Ministry
Ministers' Wives Ministry
Door Greeters
Nursing Home Ministry